Venue and stadium

All the information you need to plan your visit to the Yonex French Open.
The Yonex French Open returns to the Glaz Arena, in Cesson-Sévigné (near Rennes). The 3500-seat venue is served by public transport. In order to reduce the impact of the competition, and as part of our eco-citizen approach, we recommend that you come by these public transports.
Exact address of the venue: Chem. du Bois de la Justice, 35510 Cesson-Sévigné
By Bus
Line C6 (stop: Rigourdière)
Line 67 (stop: Rigourdière)
By train
Daily lines LGV
- 1h30 away from Paris Montparnasse
- 2h30 away from Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle
Lines TER
- 500 m away from TER de Cesson-Sévigné train station (5 min of train from Rennes train station)
By bike
Secure parking spaces are available close to the main entrance.

by car
Private vehicles: 1,500 parking spaces
Car/Bus: Parking spaces are available.
Group travel by minibus: Please contact the Glaz Arena team to plan your visit.
PRM access: Parking spaces are available in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance.

Badminton fans, carpool to the Yonex French Open! Whether you're with friends, family, your club or thanks to carpooling apps, think of our planet!